\name{.JavaInit} \alias{.JavaInit} \title{Initialize or terminate the Java Virtual Machine} \description{ \code{.JavaInit} loads and starts the Java Virtual Machine and the Omegahat session which brokers requests to Java classes and objects. The arguments to this function control the initial configuration and environment of the JVM. } \usage{ .JavaInit(..., config=NULL, default=javaConfig(), verbose=FALSE, callbackHandler=javaHandlerGenerator()) } \arguments{ \item{config}{an object containing elements to be used in the classpath of the new JVM, system properties, and libraryPath elements for loading code via JNI (from Java). See \code{\link{javaConfig}}} \item{default}{ the default configuration options (classpath, properties, etc.) that are merged with those from the \code{config} argument.} \item{verbose}{logical value indicating whether diagnostic information should be displayed on the screen as the JVM and Omegahat session are initialized. This is for use in debugging failures or anomalies in the startup.} \item{callbackHandler}{an object (usually a closure) that handles requests from the Java/Omegahat system for method invocations on R objects exported to that foreign system. This is usually \code{\link{javaHandlerGenerator}}} \item{...}{additional arguments passed to \link{JavaConfiguration} to influence settings.} } \details{ Creates and starts the JVM and Omegahat session. Also, registers a function or list of functions (closure) to handle callbacks from Java to R objects and functions. } \value{ A logical value indicating whether the initialization was successful. } \references{\url{http://www.omegahat.org/RSJava}} \author{ Duncan Temple Lang, John Chambers} \seealso{ \code{\link{javaConfig}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ .JavaInit() } } \keyword{programming} \keyword{interface}