\name{getuuid} \alias{getuuid} \title{Functions to handle unique IDs} \description{ These functions allow a user to retrieve and transform universally unique ID values. A user can get a new UUID, as well as transform a string representation into a byte representation and vice versa. } \usage{ getuuid(cur) } \arguments{ \item{cur}{If provided, either a UUID string or a \code{uuidt} object} } \details{ This package uses Theodore Ts'o's libuuid to generate universally unique ID values. A unique ID value is represented in R by the class \code{uuidt}, which wraps the byte values. A wrapper object is the most common method of handling these values, \code{Ruuid} - which also provides for a string representation of the UUID. If no parameter \code{cur} is passed into \code{getuuid}, a new \code{Ruuid} is generated. If either a string or a \code{uuidt} object is passed in, then the complementary piece is generated and the resultant \code{Ruuid} is generated. } \value{ getuuid: Returns an object of class \code{Ruuid}. } \references{ Theodore Ts'o's Universally Unique ID library\cr \url{http://web.mit.edu/tytso/www/home.html}} \author{R. Gentleman and Jeff Gentry} \seealso{\code{\link{Ruuid}}, \code{\link{uuidt}}} \examples{ z <- getuuid() z a <- getuuid(as.character(z)) a q <- getuuid(uuid(z)) q w <- getuuid() w } \keyword{utilities}