\name{geneSubsets-class} \docType{class} \alias{geneSubsets-class} \alias{getMaxSubsetSize,geneSubsets-method} \alias{getMaxSubsetSize<-,geneSubsets-method} \alias{getMaxSubsetSize} \alias{getMaxSubsetSize<-} \alias{getNoModels,geneSubsets-method} \alias{getNoModels} \alias{getSpeed,geneSubsets-method} \alias{getSpeed<-,geneSubsets-method} \alias{getSpeed} \alias{getSpeed<-} \alias{getSubsetsSizes,geneSubsets-method} \alias{getSubsetsSizes<-,geneSubsets-method} \alias{getSubsetsSizes} \alias{getSubsetsSizes<-} \title{geneSubsets: A class to handle the sizes of gene susbets to be tested during forward gene selection} \description{Forward gene selection is usually a computationally expensive task. To reduce the computation expense one may want to do not consider one gene at a time but chunks of genes. This class store the sizes of gene susbets to be tested during forward gene selection.} \section{Creating objects}{ \code{new("geneSubsets", optionValues)} Create a geneSubsets, the sizes of the different subsets are determined by \code{optionValues}. The size of the biggest subset \code{maxSubsetSize} and the number of subsets to be tried \code{noOfOptions} are automatically deducted. The speed is set to \code{high} is there are less models than the size of the biggest subset and 'slow' if not. \code{new("geneSubsets", maxSubsetSize, speed="high")} Create a geneSubsets, with a biggest subset of size \code{maxSubsetSize}. If the \code{speed} is \code{high} the sizes of the subsets are increased by a power of 2 from 1 to the biggest power of 2 smaller than \code{maxSubsetSize}. If the speed is \code{slow} the sizes of the subsets are increased by 1 from 1 to the \code{maxSubsetSize}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{maxSubsetSize}:}{\code{numeric}. Size of the biggest subset} \item{\code{optionValues}:}{\code{numeric} (vector). Sizes of the subsets in acsending order} \item{\code{noOfOptions}:}{\code{numeric}. Total number of subsets to be tried during backward gene selection} \item{\code{speed}:}{\code{character}. Speed of the backward feature selection. \code{high} if the number of models is smaller than the size of the biggest subset, \code{slow} if not.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{getMaxSubsetSize(geneSubsets), getMaxSubsetSize(geneSubsets)<-}}{ Retreive and modify the size of the biggest subset (slot maxSubsetSize)} \item{\code{getOptionValues(geneSubsets), getOptionValues(geneSubsets)<-}}{Retreive and modify the sizes of the subsets of features (slot optionValues)} \item{\code{getNoOfOptions(geneSubsets)}}{Retreive the total number of subsets to be tried during backward gene selection (slot noModels)} \item{\code{getSpeed(geneSubsets), getSpeed(geneSubsets)<-}}{Retreive and modify the speed of the backward feature selection. (slot speed)} } } \author{ Camille Maumet } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{thresholds}},\code{\linkS4class{assessment}} } \examples{ geneSubset235 <- new("geneSubsets", optionValues=c(2,3,5)) geneSubset235 getSubsetsSizes(geneSubset235) getSpeed(geneSubset235) getMaxSubsetSize(geneSubset235) geneSubsetMax60 <- new("geneSubsets", maxSubsetSize=60, speed="slow") geneSubsetMax60 geneSubsetSlow <- new("geneSubsets", maxSubsetSize=70, speed="slow") geneSubsetSlow getMaxSubsetSize(geneSubsetMax60) <- 70 geneSubsetMax60 newSizes <- c(1,2,3,4,5) getSubsetsSizes(geneSubsetMax60) <- newSizes geneSubsetMax60 getSpeed(geneSubset235) <- 'slow' geneSubset235 } \keyword{classes}