\name{loadFromUrl} \alias{loadFromUrl} \alias{validateUrl} \alias{unzipFile} \title{Functions to load files from a web site} \description{ Given an url, these functions download a file from a given web site and unzip the file if it is compressed. } \usage{ loadFromUrl(srcUrl, destDir = "", verbose=FALSE) validateUrl(srcUrl) unzipFile(fileName, where = file.path(.path.package("Resourcerer"), "temp"), isgz = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{srcUrl}{\code{srcUrl} a character string for the url of the file to be downloaded} \item{destDir}{\code{destDir} a character string for a loacal directory where the file to be downloaded will be saved} \item{where}{\code{where} same as destDir} \item{isgz}{\code{isga} a boolean indicating whether the downloaded file is a gz file} \item{fileName}{\code{fileName} a character string for the name of a file} \item{verbose}{A booline indicating whether to print extra information.} } \details{ These functions used to be part of the AnnBuilder package which was replaced by AnnotationDbi.If the file is compressed, decompressing will be applied and the path for the decompressed file will be returned. \code{\link{validateUrl}} will terminate the process if an invalid url is passed. \code{\link{unzipFile}} decompress the file passed as fileName. } \value{ \code{\link{loadFromUrl}} returns a character string for the name of the file saved locally. } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \examples{ \dontrun{ # Get a dummy data file from Bioconductor web site data <- loadFromUrl("http://www.bioconductor.org/datafiles/wwwsources/Tll_tmpl.gz", destDir = "") unlink(data) } } \keyword{manip}