\name{dbConnect.PgSQL} \alias{dbConnect.PgSQL} \title{Connect to PostgreSQL backend} \description{ \code{dbConnect} establishes a connection to the PostgreSQL database when passed a PgSQL object. } \usage{ \method{dbConnect}{PgSQL}(dbObj, ...) } \arguments{ \item{dbObj}{An object of class PgSQL} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments to pass to the database} } \details{ The first argument must be an object of class PgSQL. See the function \code{\link{PgSQL}} for details. Additional arguments can be passed after the database object. The most important of these will be 'host', 'dbname' and 'user'. Check your PostgreSQL documentation for a full list of options. } \value{ A connection object } \references{\url{http://rdbi.sourceforge.net/}} \author{Timothy H. Keitt} \seealso{\code{\link{PgSQL}}} \keyword{data}