\name{rpart2gNEL} \alias{rpart2gNEL} \alias{rpart2gNEL} \alias{grabSplitV} \alias{remapAff} \title{rpart to graphNEL Converter} \description{Creates an object of class \code{graphNEL} from one of class \code{rpart}.} \usage{ rpart2gNEL(tr, remap=function(x) x, nsep="\n") } \arguments{ \item{tr}{instance of \code{rpart} class from \code{\link[rpart]{rpart}} package.} \item{remap}{function that maps node names in tree to node names in graph.} \item{nsep}{token that separates node name and vote tally in the rendering.} } \details{ Not explicitly used in the book, but the basis for a certain graph illustrating application of rpart. The newer coin/party packages have more interesting rendering approaches based on graphviz. \code{grabSplitV} is a utility function for acquiring the variable names, \code{remapAff} will remap affymetrix probe names to gene symbols for use in the \code{remap} parameter. } \value{ a \code{\link[graph]{graphNEL-class}} instance with nodes constructed to convey information on the data tree fit } \author{Vince Carey } \seealso{\code{\link[rpart]{rpart}}, \code{\link[graph]{graphNEL-class}}} \examples{ library(rpart) example(rpart) ff = rpart2gNEL(fit2) ff nodes(ff) } \keyword{models}