\name{checkingBookSources} \alias{checkVerbatim} \alias{checkRnw} \alias{checkPackage} \alias{.RbcBook1Files} \title{Formatting and standardization checks on book chapters} \description{Formatting and standardization checks on book chapters} \usage{ checkVerbatim(files = .RbcBook1Files(ext=".tex"), maxc = 70, which = "both", verbose = TRUE) checkRnw(files = .RbcBook1Files(), verbose = TRUE, stopOnError=FALSE) checkPackage(files = .RbcBook1Files(ext=".Rnw"), verbose = TRUE) .RbcBook1Files(ext=".Rnw") } \arguments{ \item{files}{character vector with names (and path) of chapter source files} \item{ext}{character of length 1. File name extension. \code{.Rnw} (the default) and \code{.tex} should be the most important cases.} \item{maxc}{integer of length 1. Maximal number of characters in a verbatim line. All lines exceeding this limit will be reported in the return value of this function.} \item{which}{character of length 1. 'Sinput' will look at \code{Sinput} environments, 'Soutput' at \code{Soutput} environments, 'both' at both.} \item{verbose}{Logical.} \item{stopOnError}{Logical. If FALSE, first error found will lead to stop. If TRUE, try to continue checking.} } \details{ \code{checkVerbatimLines} sees whether all verbatim lines have length at most \code{maxc}. \code{checkPackage} finds all the occurences of \\Rpackage\{...\} in the text, checks whether the package is known, and returns a named list will all occurences of the packages. } \value{ For \code{checkVerbatimLines} and \code{checkSetup}, a data frame with one row for each offending line and various columns describing it. For \code{.RbcBook1Files}, a character vector. } \author{Wolfgang Huber } \examples{ f = tempfile() zap = function(n) paste(formatC(1:n, width=2), collapse=" ") writeLines(c("*begin{Sinput}", zap(20), zap(30), "*end{Sinput}"), con=f) checkVerbatim(files=f) } \keyword{misc}