\name{bcStangle} \alias{bcStangle} \alias{tangleToSingleFiles} \title{A function to extract the code chunks from the book for the online supplement} \description{A function to extract the code chunks from the book for the online supplement.} \usage{ bcStangle(files = .RbcBook1Files(), outfile= "bioCSpringer.R") tangleToSingleFiles() } \arguments{ \item{files}{character vector with filenames of book chapters. Must have extension \code{.Rnw}} \item{outfile}{character of length 1 with the name of the output file.} } \details{ It should suffice to change to the book's top level directory (e.g. .../Springer1/trunk/Book1) and run \code{bcStangle()}. This function is specialized to its one purpose given in the title. It is not envisaged that it could be useful beyond, or even replace Stangle. \code{tangleToSingleFiles} creates a directory named Rfiles and tangles each chapter separately into this directory. You must have the current working directory set to the top level directory of the book (Springer/Book1). } \seealso{.RbcBook1Files, Stangle} \value{ Function is called for its side effects. } \author{Wolfgang Huber } \examples{ ## bcStangle() } \keyword{misc}