\name{plotGeneExpProfiles} \alias{plotGeneExpProfiles} \title{Visualization of transcriptional signature profiles.} \description{This function is used to visualize expression profiles of transcriptional signatures stored in a DBFMCLresult object or in a tab-delimited file.} \usage{ plotGeneExpProfiles(data = NULL, filename = NULL, path = ".", signatures = NULL, saveHTML = FALSE, filename.out = NULL, X11 = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{a DBFMCLresult class object or a matrix.} \item{filename}{a character string representing the file name (if data are loaded from a flat file).} \item{path}{a character string representing the data directory.} \item{signatures}{a vector that indicates which signatures to plot.} \item{saveHTML}{if set to TRUE a HTML file is created.} \item{filename.out}{a character string representing the HTML file name (if \code{saveHTML=TRUE}).} \item{X11}{if set to TRUE a new graphic windows is generated.} \item{verbose}{if set to TRUE the function runs verbosely.} } \details{ Mean expression profile is highlighted in green. } \references{ Lopez F.,Textoris J., Bergon A., Didier G., Remy E., Granjeaud S., Imbert J. , Nguyen C. and Puthier D. TranscriptomeBrowser: a powerful and flexible toolbox to explore productively the transcriptional landscape of the Gene Expression Omnibus database. PLoSONE, 2008;3(12):e4001. } \author{Bergon A., Lopez F., Textoris J., Granjeaud S. and Puthier D.} \seealso{\code{\link{matplotProfiles}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ # Please check that the directory is writable # before using the following code library(ALL) data(ALL) ALLnorm <- doNormalScore(exprs(ALL)) res <- DBFMCL(data=ALLnorm, name="ALLout") plotGeneExpProfiles(res) plotGeneExpProfiles(res, signatures=1:2) plotGeneExpProfiles(res, signatures=1:2, saveHTML=TRUE) } } \keyword{hplot}