\name{doNormalScore} \alias{doNormalScore} \title{Normal score transformation of a matrix.} \description{ This function performs normal score transformation of a matrix. The normal score transformation ranks each column from lowest to the highest values and matches these ranks to equivalent ranks from a normal distribution.} \usage{ doNormalScore(sdata,set.seed = 123) } \arguments{ \item{sdata}{a matrix.} \item{set.seed}{specify seeds for random number generator.} } \value{ A matrix. } \references{ Lopez F.,Textoris J., Bergon A., Didier G., Remy E., Granjeaud S., Imbert J. , Nguyen C. and Puthier D. TranscriptomeBrowser: a powerful and flexible toolbox to explore productively the transcriptional landscape of the Gene Expression Omnibus database. PLoSONE, 2008;3(12):e4001. } \author{Bergon A., Lopez F., Textoris J., Granjeaud S. and Puthier D.} \examples{ m <- matrix(rnorm(1000),nc=4) m[,1] <- m[,1] + 4 boxplot(as.data.frame(m)) m <- doNormalScore(m) boxplot(as.data.frame(m)) } \keyword{manip}