\name{MCL} \alias{MCL} \title{Invokes the Markov CLustering algorithm (MCL).} \description{This function invokes the mcl system command. MCL is a clustering algorithm for graphs that was developped by Stijn van Dongen (see references for further informations).} \usage{ MCL(name, inflation = 2.0, silent = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{name}{a character string corresponding to the file name.} \item{inflation}{the main control of MCL. Inflation affects cluster granularity. It is usually chosen somewhere in the range \code{[1.2-5.0]}. \code{inflation = 5.0} will tend to result in fine-grained clusterings, and whereas \code{inflation = 1.2} will tend to result in very coarse grained clusterings. By default, \code{inflation = 2.0}. Default setting gives very good results for microarray data when k is set around 100.} \item{silent}{if set to TRUE, the progression of the MCL partitionning is not displayed.} } \value{ Returns a file with the ".mcl\_out.txt" extension. } \section{warning}{Works only on UNIX-like plateforms. MCL should be installed. The following command lines can be used for installation. \code{# Download the latest version of mcl (RTools4TB has been tested successfully with the 06-058 version).} \code{wget http://micans.org/mcl/src/mcl-latest.tar.gz} \code{# Uncompress and install mcl} \code{tar xvfz mcl-latest.tar.gz} \code{cd mcl-xx-xxx} \code{./configure} \code{make} \code{sudo make install} \code{# You should get mcl in your path} \code{mcl -h} } \references{ Stijn van Dongen. A cluster algorithm for graphs. Technical Report INS-R0010, National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, May 2000. \url{http://www.cwi.nl/ftp/CWIreports/INS/INS-R0010.ps.Z} Lopez F.,Textoris J., Bergon A., Didier G., Remy E., Granjeaud S., Imbert J. , Nguyen C. and Puthier D. TranscriptomeBrowser: a powerful and flexible toolbox to explore productively the transcriptional landscape of the Gene Expression Omnibus database. PLoSONE, 2008;3(12):e4001. } \author{Bergon A., Lopez F., Textoris J., Granjeaud S. and Puthier D.} \keyword{manip}