\name{filter-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{filter-class} \title{Class "filter"} \description{This object information to be apply as filter.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{ new("filter",name,tfname, top,evalueMax, lengthMax, valid)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{name}{A name or a list of names.} \item{tfname}{A transcription factor name or a list of TF names.} \item{evalueMax}{An e-value between 0 and 1.} \item{top}{Defined the depth of the filter.} \item{lengthMax}{The maximum motif length.} \item{valid}{The alignment that should be considered as valid.} } } \details{ This class \code{filter} is used to selected \code{motiv} objects according the filter's arguments. } \author{Eloi Mercier <\email{eloi.mercier@ircm.qc.ca}>} \seealso{ \code{setFilter} , \code{filter}, \code{split}, \code{combine} } \examples{ showClass("filter") } \keyword{classes}