\name{ampliconPrediction} \alias{ampliconPrediction} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Amplicon prediction } \description{ Function to predict amplicon fragmentation pattern and details for T&C reactions on the plus and minus strands } \usage{ ampliconPrediction(sequence, lower.threshold = 1500, upper.threshold = 7000, fwd.tag = "AGGAAGAGAG", rev.tag = "AGCCTTCTCCC", plot = TRUE, table = TRUE, lwd = 1, cex = 1, multiple.conversion = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{sequence}{ Nucleotide sequence input as a character string } \item{lower.threshold}{Lower limit (in Da) of usable mass window (default: \option{1500})} \item{upper.threshold}{Upper limit (in Da) of usable mass window (default: \option{7000})} \item{fwd.tag}{Nucleotide tag sequence 5' of the forward primer} \item{rev.tag}{T7-containing nucleotide tag sequence 5' of the reverse primer} \item{plot}{ Logical specifying whether or not to display graphical representation of fragmentation profiles (default is \code{TRUE})} \item{table}{ Logical specifying whether or not to return tabular representation of fragmentation profiles (default is \code{TRUE}) } \item{lwd}{The line width used for fragmentation display, a positive number, defaulting to \code{1}} \item{cex}{A numerical value (defaulting to \code{1}) giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default} \item{multiple.conversion}{Logical value specifying whether or not to include multiple CGs on the same conversion control fragment where possible (default is \code{FALSE}).} } \details{ Plotted fragmentation patterns contain a number of detailed features including: CG positions, molecular weight overlaps, conversion controls, fragment assayability, and more. Note that the graphical output does not contain a built-in legend at this time, but the plot may be interepreted as follows: Putative fragmentation patterns are shown for T and C-cleavage reactions on both the plus and minus strands of an input amplicon, with the T-forward, T-reverse, C-forward, and C-reverse shown in descending order. CG dinucleotides (filled circles) are numbered and colored in blue. Other fragments are colored according to their ability to be assayed: fragment molecular weight outside the testable mass window (gray), fragment molecular weight overlapping with another fragment (red), fragment containing a potential conversion control (green), or fragment uniquely assayable but containing no CGs (black). Linked arrowheads denote molecular weight overlaps between multiple CG-containing fragments. Yellow highlights represent tagged or primer sequences, while lavender highlights denote user-specified "required" sites. } \value{ If \code{table} is \code{TRUE}, returns a list containing the following items: \item{summary }{A summary matrix of logical values specifying whether or not each CG is assayable by a given combination of cleavage reaction and DNA strand} \item{counts}{A numerical tally of the quantity of CGs that are assayable by each assay} } \author{ Reid F. Thompson (\email{rthompso@aecom.yu.edu}), John M. Greally (\email{jgreally@aecom.yu.edu}) } \examples{ ampliconPrediction("TGGAACACCCAGCAAAGATCAAGCAGGAAAGGGCGCACGCAGCCTTCGTTGCTAACCTCCTCTGGACTCTGGTACCCCAGGCACCGCGAATGCTCCCCACCTCAGCCCCCTGACCTTTACCATCGCTGAAGCGGGCGTCGCTGATGTCTGCGGCGAGCCTGCCGACCAGCCCAGCTGCCCAGAGGAGCAGCCAGGCAAGGGCGCTGGCAGCCAGGACGCCGGAGCCCGACGCCCGAGAGGGGCGCGCGGAGCAAGCTGCGGTCACGGGAGGAACCTGAGCACGCAGAGCGTACCCCCACCTTCCACGGTGACCCGGACAGAACGCTCCTTGCGCTCCCACCCTAGGACCCCCTGTAACTCCAGGTTCCTGAGA") } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ graphs } \keyword{attribute } \keyword{ character } \keyword{ aplot }