\name{cbind} \alias{cbind} \alias{rbind} \alias{cbind.qPCRset} \alias{rbind.qPCRset} \title{Combine qPCRset objects} \description{Functions for combining multiple \code{qPCRset} objects into one, by either adding columns (samples) or rows (features).} \usage{ \method{cbind}{qPCRset}(..., deparse.level = 1) \method{rbind}{qPCRset}(..., deparse.level = 1) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{\code{qPCRset} objects that are to be combined.} \item{deparse.level}{not implemented currently. See \code{\link[base]{cbind}}.} } \details{ In some cases it might be desirable to merge multiple \code{qPCRset} objects, that have been read into R or processed individually. This can be done for either identical samples across multiple different cards (such as a 384 well plate), or if more samples have been run on cards with the same layout. \code{cbind} combines data assuming that all experiments have been carried out on identical cards, i.e. that \code{featureNames}, \code{featureType}, \code{featurePos} and \code{featureClass} is identical across all the \code{qPCRset} objects. \code{rbind} combines data assuming that the same samples have been analysed using different qPCR cards. For both functions, the \code{getCtHistory} of all the individual objects will be added to the combined \code{qPCRset}. } \value{A combined qPCRset object.} \author{Heidi Dvinge} \seealso{ \code{\link[base]{cbind}}} \examples{ # Load some example data and split into multiple qPCRset objects data(qPCRraw) q1 <- qPCRraw[,1:2] q2 <- qPCRraw[,2:4] q3 <- qPCRraw[,5:6] # Combine together by samples q.samples <- cbind(q1,q3,q2) n.wells(q.samples) n.samples(q.samples) # Combine as if the same samples had been run on multiple different cards sampleNames(q3) <- sampleNames(q1) q.features <- rbind(q1,q3) n.wells(q.features) n.samples(q.features) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{manip}