\name{normalize} \alias{normalize} \concept{normalization} \title{Intensity values linear scaling} \description{ Linearly scale the intensity values of an image to a specified range. } \usage{ normalize(x, separate=TRUE, ft=c(0,1)) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An \code{Image} object or an array.} \item{separate}{If \code{TRUE}, normalizes each frame separately.} \item{ft}{ A numeric vector of 2 values, target minimum and maximum intensity values after normalization. } } \value{ An \code{Image} object or an array, containing the transformed version of \code{x}. } \author{ Oleg Sklyar, \email{osklyar@ebi.ac.uk}, 2006-2007 } \examples{ x = readImage(system.file('images', 'shapes.png', package='EBImage')) x = x[110:512,1:130] y = bwlabel(x) if (interactive()) display(x, title='Original') print(range(y)) y = normalize(y) print(range(y)) if (interactive()) display(y, title='Segmented') }