\name{distmap} \alias{distmap} \title{Distance map transform} \description{ Computes the distance map transform of a binary image. The distance map is a matrix which contains for each pixel the distance to its nearest background pixel. } \usage{ distmap(x, metric=c('euclidean', 'manhattan')) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An \code{Image} object or an array. \code{x} is considered as a binary image, whose pixels of value 0 are considered as background ones and other pixels as foreground ones.} \item{metric}{A character indicating which metric to use, L1 distance (\code{manhattan}) or L2 distance (\code{euclidean}). Default is \code{euclidean}.} } \value{ An \code{Image} object or an array, with pixels containing the distances to the nearest background points. } \details{ A fast algorithm of complexity O(M*N*log(max(M,N))), where (M,N) are the dimensions of \code{x}, is used to compute the distance map. } \references{M. N. Kolountzakis, K. N. Kutulakos. Fast Computation of the Euclidean Distance Map for Binary Images, Infor. Proc. Letters 43 (1992).} \author{ Gregoire Pau, \email{gpau@ebi.ac.uk}, 2008 } \examples{ x = readImage(system.file("images", "shapes.png", package="EBImage")) if (interactive()) display(x) dx = distmap(x) if (interactive()) display(dx/10, title='Distance map of x') }