\name{catalogDAVIDResultsByTool} \alias{catalogDAVIDResultsByTool} \title{ Create a catalog of types of DAVID results. } \description{ Loops through values of \code{tool}, for the specified value of \code{annot}. Runs each DAVID query, and saves the result to create a catalog of types of DAVID results. } \usage{ catalogDAVIDResultsByTool(annot = NULL, sleepSeconds = 10, details = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{annot}{ See \code{\link{DAVIDQuery}} . } \item{sleepSeconds}{ \code{\link{DAVIDQueryLoop}} .} \item{details}{ If TRUE, a list of intermediate results is returned for each catalog item; otherwise, just the final query result. Default is FALSE.} \item{...}{ Extra args passed to DAVIDQuery. } } \details{ The purpose is to check comprehensively whether there are results that could be better formatted than the default output or the reformatting provided by \code{\link{formatDAVIDResult}}. } \value{ A list of outputs from DAVIDQuery. Automatically assigned to the name \code{catalogOfDAVIDResultsByTool.ANNOT} where ANNOT is replaced by the \code{annot} argument. } \author{ Roger Day } \keyword{ database }