\name{stains} \docType{data} \alias{stains} \title{Cytoband display information} \description{ This is a data set describing the display parameters used to plot cytoband data. } \usage{stains} \format{A data frame with one row per cytoband type, and the following columns: \itemize{ \item{type}{The cytoband type. This must correspond to the "stain" column in the cytoband data frame (see the \code{cytobands} documentation).} \item{bandcol}{The shade of gray used to colour the cytobands. A number between 0 (black) and 1 (white). Passed as the "col" argument to \code{rect}.} \item{textcol}{The shade of gray used for the cytoband text labels. A number between 0 (black) and 1 (white). Passed as the "col" argument to \code{text}.} \item{banddens}{The shading density to use for the band colour. Passed as the "density" argument to \code{rect}.} \item{bandbord}{The shade of gray used for the plotted cytoband borders. A number between 0 (black) and 1 (white). Passed as the "border" argument to \code{rect}.} } } \source{Developed based on the design of the idiogram Bioconductor package} \keyword{datasets}