\name{plotChrMap} \alias{plotChrMap} \title{ Plot data as an annotated heat map along a chromosome } \description{ Given a ChrStrandData object (produced by the \code{makeChrStrandData} function), this function plots a heat map of its data values along a specified chromosome, optionally clustering samples and including an idiogram. } \usage{ plotChrMap( data, chr, start = 1, end, subset = NULL, cytoband, interval = ceiling((end-start)/500), strands = c('forward', 'reverse'), ... ) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A ChrStrandData object, output from the \code{makeChrStrandData} function.} \item{chr}{Chromosomal id, chromosome to plot 1:22,X,Y.} \item{start}{Optional start chromosome position from which to commence plotting.} \item{end}{Optional end chromosome position.} \item{subset}{Optional numeric vector listing the samples from \code{data} to plot.} \item{cytoband}{Optional cytological band to plot (e.g. `q23').} \item{interval}{An optional interval size controlling the plot detail level.} \item{strands}{The chromosome strands to plot (a one- or two-element character vector, values `forward', `reverse', or `both').} \item{...}{Additional arguments are passed to the \code{chrHeatMap} function.} } \details{ This function is used to plot ChrStrandData objects (the output of the \code{makeChrStrandData} function) as heatmaps arranged along genome coordinates. The default heat map will plot the entire forward strand for the chosen chromosome at the top of the figure, with an idiogram and the reverse strand below it. To plot both strands overlaid, use the \code{strands='both'} argument. Probe signals are averaged over a window size controlled by \code{interval}, such that the default length of each heat map segment is 1/500 the total heat map width. This can be varied as required to control the resolution of the plot. This function uses both the start and end chromosomal locations for each gene to plot heatmap positions, and as such will not work with older AnnotationDbi packages. See the related functions from this package for further plotting arguments which may be passed to this function. In particular, see the \code{drawMapDendro} documentation for arguments used to control sample clustering and plot axis font sizes, and \code{chrHeatMap} for arguments relating to the idiogram plot. Note that the plotting area layout() and par() values are not reset on exit, so that \code{grabChrMapProbes} can be subsequently used on the output. Idiogram plotting is currently only supported for data mapping to human, mouse and rat genomes. In principle this is extendable to any organism for which the UCSC genome browser includes cytoband information. Please contact the maintainer of this package for help in such cases. } \value{ A ChrMapPlot object containing a list of probe identifiers mapped to their corresponding display locations, for use with \code{grabChrMapProbes}. } \references{ annotate package } \author{ Tim F Rayner } \seealso{ \code{\link{drawMapDendro}}, \code{\link{chrHeatMap}}, \code{\link{makeChrStrandData}}, \code{\link{grabChrMapProbes}} } \examples{ data('demo') plotChrMap(chrdata, '22', cytoband='q11', labRow=ALLs.chr22$mol.biol, cexCol=0.8, cexCyto=1.2, srtCyto=0) } \keyword{hplot}