\name{makeRangedDataList} \alias{makeRangedDataList} \title{ Plot expression data as tracks in the UCSC genome browser } \description{ Creates a RangedDataList object suitable for uploading to the UCSC genome browser using the rtracklayer package. } \usage{ makeRangedDataList( data, chr, start = 1, end, genome, subset = NULL, cytoband, plot=FALSE, session ) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A ChrStrandData object, output from the \code{makeChrStrandData} function.} \item{chr}{Chromosomal id, chromosome to plot 1:22,X,Y.} \item{start}{Optional start chromosome position from which to commence plotting.} \item{end}{Optional end chromosome position.} \item{genome}{The name of the genome from which the data coordinates are taken (e.g. "hg18"). Passed to \code{GenomicData} in the rtracklayer package.} \item{subset}{Optional numeric vector listing the samples from \code{data} to plot.} \item{cytoband}{Optional cytological band to plot (e.g. `q23').} \item{plot}{An optional flag indicating whether to automatically plot the resulting RangedDataList on the UCSC browser or not.} \item{session}{An optional rtracklayer UCSCSession object. Ignored unless plot=TRUE.} } \details{ This function is used to create RangedDataList objects from ChrStrandData objects (see the \code{makeChrStrandData} function). If the \code{plot} argument is set to TRUE, the data is also uploaded to a UCSC browser session using default settings. See the rtracklayer package for more information on RangedData and UCSCSession objects. } \value{ A RangedDataList object containing the data for the specified genome region. See the rtracklayer package for more information on this object class. } \references{ rtracklayer package } \author{ Tim F Rayner } \seealso{ \code{\link{makeChrStrandData}}, \code{\link[IRanges:RangedDataList-class]{RangedDataList}} \code{\link{plotChrMap}}, } \examples{ data('demo') r <- makeRangedDataList( data=chrdata, chr=22, cytoband='q11.23', genome='hg18' ) }