\name{grabChrMapProbes} \alias{grabChrMapProbes} \title{ Identify the probes plotted using plotChrMap } \description{ Allows the user to interactively select regions of the plotChrMap heatmap, identifying all the probes plotted in those regions. } \usage{ grabChrMapProbes( plotmap ) } \arguments{ \item{plotmap}{The output of the \code{plotChrMap} function.} } \details{ This function takes the output of the \code{plotChrMap} function and uses it to identify the probes responsible for the signals plotted on the \code{plotChrMap} heatmap. It asks the user to select two points on either side of the heatmap bands of interest (specifically, boundary for inclusion of a given band is its left-hand edge), and returns a vector of probe identifiers. This can be passed directly to AnnotationDbi::mget to yield gene symbols and other annotation. Note that the plotting area layout() and par() values are not reset on exit, so that this function can be reused as many times as is desired. } \value{ A character vector of probe identifiers. If multiple probe identifiers have been averaged into a single band these identifiers will be string concatenated, separated by semicolons. In such cases the start, end and interval arguments to \code{plotChrMap} can be used to split the probes into separate bands. } \author{ Tim F Rayner } \seealso{ \code{\link{plotChrMap}} } \examples{ data('demo') plotmap <- plotChrMap(chrdata, '22', cytoband='q11.23') probes <- grabChrMapProbes(plotmap) library('hgu95av2.db') genes <- mget(probes, hgu95av2SYMBOL, ifnotfound=NA) } \keyword{hplot}