\name{cytobands} \docType{data} \alias{cytobands} \title{Cytoband location information} \description{ This data set contains cytoband information for a range of species, taken directly from the UCSC genome annotation database. This data set is designed to be easily extendable to cover new species. } \usage{cytobands} \format{A list of data frames, one per species, each with one row per cytoband and the following columns: \itemize{ \item{chr}{The chromosome number for the cytoband, prefixed with 'chr'.} \item{start}{The start coordinate for the cytoband.} \item{end}{The end coordinate for the cytoband.} \item{band}{The cytoband number (i.e., the '23.3' in '1q23.3').} \item{stain}{The cytoband stain (see the \code{stains} data set).} \item{arm}{The chromosome arm for the cytoband (i.e., the 'q' in '1q23.3').} } The list names (i.e. \code{names(cytobands)}) should correspond to species names in the AnnotationDbi packages used. } \source{The UCSC genome annotation database: http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html} \keyword{datasets}