\name{ChrMapPlot} \docType{class} \alias{class:ChrMapPlot} \alias{ChrMapPlot} \alias{ChrMapPlot-class} \alias{show,ChrMapPlot-method} \alias{summary,ChrMapPlot-method} \title{ Class containing a mapping between plot location and probe identifier. } \description{ ChrMapPlot objects are generated as an output from the main \code{plotChrMap} function, which users can then pass to the \code{grabChrMapProbes} function. } \section{Creating Objects}{ Objects of this class are created using the \code{plotChrMap} function: \code{plotChrMap(chrdata, '22')} } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{labels}{An array of probe identifiers, with names corresponding to chromosome coordinates}. \item{start}{The leftmost interval number (most usually 1).} \item{end}{The rightmost interval number.} } } \section{Methods}{ Standard generic methods: \describe{ \item{\code{show(ChrMapPlot)}}{Generates a short description of the ChrMapPlot object.} } } \author{Tim F Rayner} \seealso{ \code{\link{plotChrMap}}, \code{\link{grabChrMapProbes}}. } \examples{ data('demo') plotmap <- plotChrMap(chrdata, '22', cytoband='q11.23') probes <- grabChrMapProbes(plotmap) library('hgu95av2.db') genes <- mget(probes, hgu95av2SYMBOL, ifnotfound=NA) } \keyword{classes}