\name{windowCounts} \alias{windowCounts} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Summarize read counts in a sliding window} \description{ Read counts are summarized in a sliding window of variable size with variable overlap between windows. } \usage{ windowCounts(reads, window = 1000, shift = 500, method = sum) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{reads}{Numeric vector of read counts.} \item{window}{Width of window.} \item{shift}{Distance between consecutive window start positions.} \item{method}{Function used to produce a summary for each window. It should accept a single numeric vector as argument.} } \value{ If \code{method} returns a single value a vector of all window summaries is returned, otherwise the return value is a list with one component for each window. } \author{Peter Humburg} \examples{ ## generate some very simple artificial read data set.seed(1) fwd <- sample(c(50:70, 250:270), 30, replace=TRUE) rev <- sample(c(197:217, 347:417), 30, replace=TRUE) ## create data.frame with read positions as input to strandPileup reads <- data.frame(chromosome="chr1", position=c(fwd, rev), length=25, strand=factor(rep(c("+", "-"), times=c(30, 30)))) ## create object of class ReadCounts readPile <- strandPileup(reads, chrLen=501, extend=1, plot=FALSE, compress=FALSE) ## get number of reads in sliding window wdwCount <- windowCounts(apply(readPile[[1]], 1, sum), window=10, shift=5) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{misc}