\name{plotWindow} \alias{.plotWindow} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Plot read counts within a genomic region} \description{ Read count within a selected region of the genome are plotted, optionally together with binding site score and location of predicted binding sites. } \usage{ .plotWindow(data, chr, center, score, width=2000, bind, start, end, bind.col=3, score.type='l', xlab=NULL, ylab="Read count", cutoff=TRUE, offset = 1, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{data}{Object of class \code{\linkS4class{ReadCounts}} or a list of read counts.} \item{chr}{A character string or numeric index identifying the the chromosome on which the region is located.} \item{center}{Numeric value giving the center of the region on chromosome \code{'chr'} that should be plotted.} \item{score}{An object of class \code{\linkS4class{BindScore}}, may be missing.} \item{width}{Width of the window to plot. The plotted region will be [center - width/2, center + width/2].} \item{bind}{Length of binding site, ignored if \code{'score'} is missing.} \item{start}{Start of plotting window (may be used together with \code{end} instead of \code{center}).} \item{end}{End of plotting window (may be used together with \code{start} instead of \code{center}).} \item{bind.col}{Color used to indicate location of binding sites, ignored if \code{'score'} is missing.} \item{score.type}{Plotting type to use for score, ignored if \code{'score'} is missing.} \item{xlab}{X-axis label. This defaults to a description of the genomic location constructed from \code{'chr'}, \code{'center'} and \code{'width'}} \item{ylab}{Y-axis label.} \item{cutoff}{Logical indicating whether the significance threshold used to predict binding site locations should be indicated by a horizontal line in the plot.} \item{offset}{Position on chromosome \code{chr} corresponding to the first read count in \code{data}.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments to \code{plot}.} } \details{ If \code{'score'} is present the binding site score is plotted on top of read counts. Scores are rescaled to lie between 0 and the maximum number of reads in the window. A corresponding scale is added to the right hand axis. } \value{ Called for its side effect. } \author{Peter Humburg} % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{hplot} \keyword{internal}