\name{mappedReads2Nhits} \alias{mappedReads2Nhits} \alias{mappedReads2Nhits_chr} \alias{pos2Nhits} \alias{pos2Nhits_old} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Calculate number of overlapped extended reads per nucleotide position } \description{ Calculate number of overlapped extended reads per nucleotide position } \usage{ mappedReads2Nhits(input, file , chr = c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3", "chr4", "chr5"), chrL = "TAIR9", w = 300, considerStrand = "Minimum", uniquelyMapped = TRUE, uniquePosition = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{input}{data loaded with loadMappedReads or an AlignedRead object from the ShortRead package} \item{file}{Name of the file where the results will be saved. If NA the results will not be saved in a file. } \item{chr}{Character vector containing the chromosome names as identified on \code{input}. } \item{chrL}{Numeric vector containing the length (bp) of the chromosomes. It should be in the same order than \code{chr}} \item{w}{Integer corresponding to the desired length of the extended reads. An advised value will be the average fragment length of the DNA submitted to sequence (usually 300 bp).} \item{considerStrand}{Character value. "Minimum"=>Default value. Report the minimum number of hits at each nucleotide position for both strands. "Foward"=> Report the number of hits at each nucleotide position for the "foward" strands (the one denoted as "+" in \code{q}). "Reverse"=>Report the number of hits at each nucleotide position for the "reverse" strands (the one denoted as "-" in \code{q}). "Sum"=>Report the sum of number of hits at each nucleotide position for both strands. } \item{uniquelyMapped}{Logic value, If TRUE, only consider unquely mapped reads.} \item{uniquePosition}{Logic value. If TRUE, only consider reads mapped in different positions.} } \value{ A list to be used for other functions of the CSAR package \item{chr }{Chromosme names} \item{chrL }{Chromosme length (bp)} \item{chrL_0 }{Number of nucleotide positions with at least one extended read} \item{chrL_0 }{Number of nucleotide positions with at least one extended read} \item{filenames }{Name of the files where the Nhits values are storaged} \item{c1}{Sum of all the Nhits values for each chromosome} \item{c2}{Sum of all the Nhits square values for each chromosome} } \references{ Muino et al. (submitted). Plant ChIP-seq Analyzer: An R package for the statistical detection of protein-bound genomic regions. \cr Kaufmann et al.(2009).Target genes of the MADS transcription factor SEPALLATA3: integration of developmental and hormonal pathways in the Arabidopsis flower. PLoS Biology; 7(4):e1000090.} \author{ Jose M Muino, \email{jose.muino@wur.nl}} \seealso{ CSAR-package } \examples{ #For this example we will use the a subset of the SEP3 ChIP-seq data (Kaufmann, 2009) data("CSAR-dataset"); #We calculate the number of hits for each nucleotide posotion for the sample. We do that just for chromosome chr1, and for positions from 1 bp to 10kb nhitsS<-mappedReads2Nhits(sampleSEP3_test, file="sampleSEP3_test", chr=c("CHR1v01212004"), chrL=c(10000)) }