\name{cor.unbalance} \alias{cor.unbalance} \title{Multivariate Correlation Estimator (Unequal Number of Replicates)} \description{ cor.unbalance estimates correlation from replicated data of unequal number of replicates. different from \code{\link{cor.balance}}, \code{\link{cor.unbalance}} takes a pair of variables at a time because of unequal number of replicates. the variance of each row of the data MUST equal to 1 (see example below) } \usage{ cor.unbalance(x, m1, m2) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{data matrix, column represents samples (conditions), and row represents variables (genes), see example below for format information} \item{m1}{number of replicates for one variable (gene)} \item{m2}{number of replicates for another variable (gene)} } \details{ The multivariate correlation estimator assumes replicated omics data are iid samples from the multivariate normal distribution. It is derived by maximizing the likelihood function. Note that the off-diagonal elements in the returned correlation matrix (G by G) is the average of off-diagonals of MLE of correlation matrix of a pair of variables (m1+m2 by m1+m2). } \value{ A correlation matrix containing only one distinct correlation coefficient for the pair of variables (genes) } \references{Zhu, D and Li Y. 2007. Multivariate Correlation Estimator for Inferring Functional Relationships from Replicated 'OMICS' data. Submitted.} \author{Dongxiao Zhu and Youjuan Li} \seealso{\code{\link{cor.unbalance}}, \code{\link{cor}}} \examples{ library("CORREP") d0 <- NULL for(l in 1:10) d0 <- rbind(d0, rnorm(8)) ## The simulated data corresponds to the real-world data of 2 genes and 10 conditions, gene expression ## profiles were replicated 3 and 5 times. ## Note this function can only take calculate correlation matrix between two genes at a time. d0<- t(d0) ## This step is to make the standard deviation of each replicate equal to 1 ## so that we can model the covariance matrix as correlation matrix. d0.std <- apply(d0, 1, function(x) x/sd(x)) M <- cor.unbalance(t(d0.std), m1=3, m2=5) } \keyword{multivariate} \keyword{cluster} \keyword{models} \keyword{htest}