\name{makeReport} \alias{makeReport} \title{Export the results as html files} \description{Creates a directory with html files containing the biclustering results.} \usage{ makeReport(dirPath, dirName, resBic, browse=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{dirPath}{path to the directory} \item{dirName}{the name of the directory where the report will be created} \item{resBic}{a biclustering result} \item{browse}{logical. If TRUE the web browser will be opened} } \details{ \code{makeReport} produces a html report of biclustering results in a new directory named \code{dirName}. If the \code{browse} argument is set to TRUE the web browser will be opened on the "home.html" file. Make sure to have rights to create the result directory. } \author{ Pierre Gestraud \email{pierre.gestraud@curie.fr} } \examples{ data(sample.biclustering) dirPath <- getwd() ## report created in the current working directory dirName <- "test" makeReport(dirPath, dirName, sample.biclustering, browse=FALSE) } \keyword{cluster}