\name{tumors.miRNA} \alias{tumors.miRNA} \docType{data} \title{ miRNA data from Human brain tumors} \description{ MiRNA data obtained by RT-PCR from human brain tumors. 12 brain tumors at different levels are analyzed for both mRNA and miRNA levels to study the correlation of any mRNA-miRNA pair in the \emph{reference} . } \usage{data(tumors.miRNA)} \format{ \code{tumors.miRNA} is a matrix with miRNA as rows and tumor type as columns. } \references{ Liu T, Papagiannakopoulos T, Puskar K, Qi S, Santiago F, Clay W, Lao K, Lee Y, Nelson SF, Kornblum HI, Doyle F, Petzold L, Shraiman B, Kosik KS. Detection of a microRNA signal in an in vivo expression set of mRNAs. Plos One. 2007; 2(8):e804. } \examples{ data(tumors.miRNA) tumors.miRNA[1:10,] } \keyword{datasets}