\name{gene.trait.similarity} \alias{gene.trait.similarity} \title{Calculate similarity for gene-trait interaction } \description{ To calculate similarity for gene-trait interaction (using correlation/mutual information metric). } \usage{ gene.trait.similarity(EXP, trait, measure, na.replica = 50) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{EXP}{ Gene expression data in form of a matrix. Row stands for genes and column for experiments.} \item{trait}{Trait data in form of matrix. Row stands for traits and column for experiments. } \item{measure}{Metric used to calculate similarity: "corr" for correlation, "MI" for mutual information.} \item{na.replica}{Times of replicates for filling NANs in impute method; default value is 50. The (smooth) bootstrapping approach is used to give an estimation to missing value in the data.} } \value{ A matrix, row stands for gene and column for trait. Element in row i and column j stands for the association between the gene i and trait j. } \author{ Yin Jin, Hesen Peng, Lei Wang, Raffaele Fronza, Yuanhua Liu and Christine Nardini } \examples{ data(tumors.mRNA) data(tumors.miRNA) exp<-tumors.mRNA trait<-tumors.miRNA gene.trait.similarity(EXP= exp[1:10, ],trait= trait[1:5, ],measure="MI") } \keyword{arith}