\name{pvalHistogram} \alias{pvalHistogram} \title{ Histogram of the p values } \description{ Creates an histogram of the pvalues. For multiple contrats, creates an histogram for every t.test pvalue (separate) or a single histogram for the F.test pvalue (nestedF). A uniform histogram will indicate no differential expression in the data set, whereas a right skewed histogram, will indicate some significant differential expression } \usage{ pvalHistogram(fit2, DE, PVcut, DEmethod, MTestmethod, CM,verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{fit2}{ MArrayLM object} \item{DE}{ TestResults object } \item{PVcut}{ limit p value to declare significant features} \item{DEmethod}{ method for decideTests, only 'separate' or 'nestedF' are implemented } \item{MTestmethod}{ method for multiple test } \item{CM}{ contrast matrix } \item{verbose}{logical, if \code{TRUE} prints out output} } \author{ Pedro Lopez-Romero } \seealso{An overview of miRNA differential expression analysis is given in \code{basicLimma} An example of how to get the 'TestResults' object is in \code{getDecideTests} } \examples{ \dontrun{ pvalHistogram(fit2,DE,PVcut=0.10, DEmethod="separate",MTestmethod="BH",CM) } } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}