\name{reprodPlot} \alias{reprodPlot} \title{Plot human whole genome GeneChips reproductibility} \description{ Compares Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Arrays to a subset of the MAQC arrays for a RNA reference. } \usage{reprodPlot(userAffyBatchObject,ref, normalize=c("rma","gcrma","mas5","none"), main="MAQC reference reproducibility", cex,...)} \arguments{ \item{userAffyBatchObject}{a set of Human Genomue U133 Plus 2.0 arrays provided as an AffBatch object,} \item{ref}{a string ("refA", "refB", "refC", or "refD") defining the RNA reference to compare the userAffyBatchObject to,} \item{normalize}{a string defining the algorithm used for data normalization: \code{rma} (default) for RMA (as imlplemented in the \code{\link[affy]{affy}} library), \code{gcrma} for GCRMA (as imlplemented in the \code{\link[gcrma]{gcrma}} library), \code{mas5} for MAS5 (as imlplemented in the \code{\link[affy]{affy}} library) or 'none' for no normalization,} \item{main}{an overall title for the plot,} \item{cex}{size of text on the plot,} \item{...}{other arguments.} } \details{ The plot shows all the pairwise scatterplots (plotted with \link[geneplotter]{geneplotter})'s \code{smoothScatter} function) with Pearson's correlation factor and MAplots (plotted with \link[affy]{affy}'s \code{ma.plot} function). The subset of the MAQC arrays are 1 randomly chosen .CEL file out of the 5 replicates for the 6 different test site. } \value{Outputs a graph on the available graphical device} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## loading data library(MAQCsubsetAFX) data(refB) d<-refB[,1] ## testing the reproductibility against ref A reprodPlot(d,"refA",normalize="rma") } } \author{Laurent Gatto} \keyword{misc}