\name{getRatioProbes} \alias{getRatioProbes} \title{ Get the names of degradation control probes on the array } \description{ This function returns the probes names used for degradation control that are located on the given GeneChip. } \usage{ getRatioProbes(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of class \code{"AffyBatch"} or \code{"ExpressionSet"} } } \value{ An object of type \code{"character"} with all the Affymetrix degradation control probe names. } \examples{ library(yaqcaffy) ## load a dataset library(affydata) data(Dilution) getRatioProbes(Dilution) } \seealso{getSpikeProbes,getBioProbes} \author{ Laurent Gatto } \keyword{ misc }