\name{validTreetype} \alias{validTreetype} \title{Validate Tree Type} \description{ Validate tree type for corresponding data type. } \usage{ validTreetype(treetype, datatype) } \arguments{ \item{treetype}{tree type.} \item{datatype}{data type.} } \details{ Every \code{\link{ROOT}} tree has an extension, which describes the type of data stored in this tree. For example, \sQuote{TestA1.cel} is the tree name that stores the CEL-file data for \sQuote{TestA1.CEL}. Trees with \code{datatype="scheme"} have the following extensions: \cr \code{scm}: scheme tree containing (x,y)-coordinates and mask for UNIT\_ID. \cr \code{idx}: unit tree containing UnitName (i.e. probeset id), NumCells, NumAtoms, UnitType, for UNIT\_ID. \cr \code{prb}: probe tree containing probe sequences. \cr \code{ann}: transcript annotation tree. \cr \code{anx}: exon annotation tree; exon arrays only. \cr \code{anp}: probeset annotation tree; exon arrays only. \cr \code{cxy}: coordinate tree containing CLF-file information; exon arrays only. \cr \code{exn}: exon tree; exon arrays only. \cr \code{pbs}: probeset tree; exon arrays only. Trees with \code{datatype="rawdata"} have the following extensions: \cr \code{cel}: data tree containing CEL-file data. Trees with \code{datatype="preprocess"} have the following extensions: \cr \code{int}: intensity tree containing background-corrected intensities. \cr \code{sbg}: background tree containing MAS4 sector background levels. \cr \code{wbg}: background tree containing MAS5 weighted sector background levels. \cr \code{rbg}: background tree containing RMA background levels. \cr \code{gbg}: background tree containing GC-content background levels. \cr \code{cmn}: cell tree containing preprocessed intensities using algorithm \sQuote{mean}. \cr \code{cmd}: cell tree containing preprocessed intensities using algorithm \sQuote{median}. \cr \code{clw}: cell tree containing preprocessed intensities using algorithm \sQuote{lowess}. \cr \code{css}: cell tree containing preprocessed intensities using algorithm \sQuote{supsmu}. \cr \code{cqu}: cell tree containing preprocessed intensities using algorithm \sQuote{quantile}. \cr \code{dc5}: detection tree containing MAS5 detection call and p-value. \cr \code{dab}: detection tree containing DABG detection call and p-value. \cr \code{amn}: expression tree containing expression levels computed with \sQuote{arithmetic mean}. \cr \code{gmn}: expression tree containing expression levels computed with \sQuote{geometric mean}. \cr \code{wmn}: expression tree containing expression levels computed with \sQuote{weighted mean}. \cr \code{wdf}: expression tree containing expression levels computed with \sQuote{weighted difference}. \cr \code{adf}: expression tree containing expression levels computed with \sQuote{average difference}. \cr \code{tbw}: expression tree containing expression levels computed with \sQuote{tukey biweight}. \cr \code{mdp}: expression tree containing expression levels computed with \sQuote{median polish}. \cr Trees with \code{datatype="normation"} have the following extensions: \cr \code{tmn}: expression tree after normalization using algorithm \sQuote{trimmed mean}. \cr \code{med}: expression tree after normalization using algorithm \sQuote{median}. \cr \code{ksm}: expression tree after normalization using algorithm \sQuote{kernel smoother}. \cr \code{low}: expression tree after normalization using algorithm \sQuote{lowess}. \cr \code{sup}: expression tree after normalization using algorithm \sQuote{supsmu}. \cr \code{qua}: expression tree after normalization using algorithm \sQuote{quantile}. \cr \code{mdp}: expression tree after normalization using algorithm \sQuote{median polish}. } \value{ Returns the valid \code{treetype}, otherwise an error message is returned. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \note{Not all tree types are used in the current package. } \seealso{\code{\link{getDatatype}}, \code{\link{type2Exten}}} \examples{ validTreetype("prb", "scheme") validTreetype("cel", "rawdata") validTreetype("tbw", "preprocess") } \keyword{manip}