\name{normalize} \alias{normalize.constant} \alias{normalize.lowess} \alias{normalize.quantiles} \alias{normalize.supsmu} \alias{normalize} \alias{xpsNormalize-methods} \alias{xpsNormalize} \title{Normalization on Affymetrix Probe Level Data or on Expression Levels} \description{ Functions that allow to normalize Affymetrix arrays both at the probe level (\dQuote{low-level normalization}) and/or at the expression level (\dQuote{high-level normalization}). } \usage{ normalize(xps.data, filename = character(0), filedir = getwd(), tmpdir = "", update = FALSE, select = "all", method = "mean", option = "transcript:all", logbase = "0", exonlevel = "", refindex = 0, refmethod = "mean", params = list(0.02, 0), add.data = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) normalize.constant(xps.data, filename = character(0), filedir = getwd(), tmpdir = "", update = FALSE, method = "mean", logbase = "0", exonlevel = "", refindex = 0, refmethod = "mean", params = list(0.02, 0), add.data = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) normalize.lowess(xps.data, filename = character(0), filedir = getwd(), tmpdir = "", update = FALSE, logbase = "log2", exonlevel = "", refindex = 0, refmethod = "mean", params = list(0.67, 3), add.data = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) normalize.quantiles(xps.data, filename = character(0), filedir = getwd(), tmpdir = "", update = FALSE, exonlevel = "", add.data = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) normalize.supsmu(xps.data, filename = character(0), filedir = getwd(), tmpdir = "", update = FALSE, logbase = "log2", exonlevel = "", refindex = 0, refmethod = "mean", params = list(0.67, 3), add.data = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) xpsNormalize(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{xps.data}{object of class \code{DataTreeSet} or \code{\link{ExprTreeSet}}.} \item{filename}{file name of ROOT data file.} \item{filedir}{system directory where ROOT data file should be stored.} \item{tmpdir}{optional temporary directory where temporary ROOT files should be stored.} \item{update}{logical. If \code{TRUE} the existing ROOT data file \code{filename} will be updated.} \item{select}{type of probes to select for normalization.} \item{method}{normalization method to use.} \item{option}{option determining the grouping of probes for normalization, and the selection of the probes.} \item{logbase}{logarithm base as character, one of \sQuote{0}, \sQuote{log}, \sQuote{log2}, \sQuote{log10}.} \item{exonlevel}{exon annotation level determining which probes should be used for summarization; exon/genome arrays only.} \item{refindex}{index of reference tree to use, or 0.} \item{refmethod}{for \code{refindex=0}, either trimmed mean or median of trees.} \item{params}{vector of parameters for normalization method.} \item{add.data}{logical. If \code{TRUE} expression data will be included as slot \code{data}.} \item{verbose}{logical, if \code{TRUE} print status information.} \item{object}{object of class \code{DataTreeSet} or \code{\link{ExprTreeSet}}.} \item{\dots}{the arguments described above.} } \details{ Functions that allow to normalize Affymetrix arrays both at the probe level (\dQuote{low-level normalization}) and/or at the expression level (\dQuote{high-level normalization}). \code{xpsNormalize} are the \code{DataTreeSet} or \code{\link{ExprTreeSet}} methods, respectively, called by function \code{normalize}, containing the same parameters. } \value{ An object of type \code{\link{DataTreeSet}} or \code{\link{ExprTreeSet}}. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \section{Warning }{ Functions \code{normalize.lowess} and \code{normalize.supsmu} have only be tested for \code{object}s of type \code{\link{ExprTreeSet}} but not for objects of type \code{\link{DataTreeSet}}, i.e. for probe level intensities. } \seealso{\code{\link{express}}} \examples{ ## first, load ROOT scheme file and ROOT data file scheme.test3 <- root.scheme(paste(.path.package("xps"),"schemes/SchemeTest3.root",sep="/")) data.test3 <- root.data(scheme.test3, paste(.path.package("xps"),"rootdata/DataTest3_cel.root",sep="/")) ## RMA background data.bg.rma <- bgcorrect.rma(data.test3,"tmp_Test3NormRMA",filedir=getwd(),tmpdir="",verbose=FALSE) ## normalize quantiles data.qu.rma <- normalize.quantiles(data.bg.rma,"tmp_Test3NormRMA",filedir=getwd(),tmpdir="",update=TRUE,verbose=FALSE) ## summarize medianpolish data.mp.rma <- summarize.rma(data.qu.rma,"tmp_Test3NormRMA",filedir=getwd(),tmpdir="",update=TRUE,verbose=FALSE) } \keyword{manip}