\name{metaProbesets} \alias{metaProbesets} \title{Create MetaProbeset File for APT} \description{ Create MetaProbeset File for APT function \dQuote{apt-probeset-summarize}. } \usage{ metaProbesets(xps.scheme, infile = character(0), outfile = character(0), exonlevel="metacore") } \arguments{ \item{xps.scheme}{exon \code{SchemeTreeSet}.} \item{infile}{Name of file containing exon transcript\_cluster\_ids.} \item{outfile}{Name of resulting file containing meta probeset definitions.} \item{exonlevel}{exon annotation level determining which probes should be used.} } \details{ This function allows to create a metaprobeset file for APT function \dQuote{apt-probeset-summarize} to be used with option \dQuote{-m}. The \code{infile} must contain exon transcript\_cluster\_ids, one per line, e.g. one can export the \code{rownames(data.rma)} \cr The resulting file may be useful if you want to compare results created with \code{xps} to results created with APT function \dQuote{apt-probeset-summarize}. } \value{ None. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \examples{ \dontrun{ ## first, load ROOT exon scheme file: scmdir <- "/Volumes/GigaDrive/CRAN/Workspaces/Schemes" scheme.exon <- root.scheme(paste(scmdir,"Scheme_HuEx10stv2r2_na25.root",sep="/")) metaProbesets(scheme.exon,"metacore.txt","metacoreList.mps","metacore") } } \keyword{manip}