\name{import.data} \alias{import.data} \title{Import CEL files into a DataTreeSet} \description{ Import the Affymetrix CEL files into a ROOT file and create S4 class DataTreeSet } \usage{ import.data(xps.scheme, filename = character(0), filedir = getwd(), celdir = NULL, celfiles = "*", celnames = NULL, project = NULL, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{xps.scheme}{a \code{\link{SchemeTreeSet}} containing the correct scheme for the CEL-files} \item{filename}{file name of ROOT data file.} \item{filedir}{system directory where ROOT data file should be stored.} \item{celdir}{system directory containing the CEL-files for corresponding scheme.} \item{celfiles}{optional vector of CEL-files to be imported.} \item{celnames}{optional vector of names which should replace the CEL-file names.} \item{project}{optional class \code{\link{ProjectInfo}}.} \item{verbose}{logical, if \code{TRUE} print status information.} } \details{ \code{import.data} is used to import CEL-files from directory \code{celdir} into a \code{\link{ROOT}} data file. To import only a subset of CEL-files, list these CEL-files as vector \code{celfiles}. To import CEL-files from different directories, vector \code{celfiles} must contain the full path for each CEL-file and \code{celdir} must be \code{celdir=NULL}. Currently, the following types of Affymetrix CEL-files can be imported: text (version 3), xml, binary (xda), generic (agcc,calvin) An S4 class \code{\link{DataTreeSet}} will be created, serving as R wrapper to the \code{\link{ROOT}} data file \code{filename}. Use function \code{\link{root.data}} to access the \code{\link{ROOT}} data file from new R sessions to avoid creating a new \code{\link{ROOT}} data file for every session. } \value{ A \code{DataTreeSet} object. } \author{Christian Stratowa} \note{As mentioned above, use function \code{\link{root.data}} to access the ROOT data file from new R sessions to avoid creating a new \code{\link{ROOT}} data file for every R session. Do not separate \code{filename} of ROOT files with dots, use underscores, e.g. do not use \code{filename="Data.Test3"} but use \code{filename="Data_Test3"} or \code{filename="DataTest3"} instead. To every ROOT data file the extension \dQuote{\_cel} is attached to \code{filename} to easily recognize ROOT data files containing the raw CEL data, e.g. for \code{filename="Data_Test3"} the final name is \dQuote{Data\_Test3\_cel.root}. Extension \dQuote{root} is added automatically, so that ROOT is able to recognize the file as ROOT file. Once a \code{\link{ROOT}} file is created it can not be overwritten, it must be deleted manually first. Only \code{\link{ROOT}} files called \dQuote{tmp} or with \code{filename} starting with \dQuote{tmp\_} will be re-created automatically. If CEL-file names contain dots and/or colons as characters, these characters will be replaced by underscores. It is recommended to use parameter \code{celnames} to create shorter CEL names and to replace special characters. } \seealso{\code{\link{root.data}}, \code{\link{DataTreeSet}}} \examples{ ## get scheme and import CEL-files from package scheme.test3 <- root.scheme(paste(.path.package("xps"),"schemes/SchemeTest3.root",sep="/")) data.test3 <- import.data(scheme.test3,"tmp_data_test3",celdir=paste(.path.package("xps"),"raw",sep="/")) unlist(treeNames(data.test3)) ## import only subset of CEL-files subdata.test3 <- import.data(scheme.test3,"tmpdt_data_test3",celdir=paste(.path.package("xps"),"raw",sep="/"), celfiles=c("TestA1.CEL","TestB2.CEL"),verbose=FALSE) unlist(treeNames(subdata.test3)) } \keyword{manip}