\name{xcmsSet} \alias{xcmsSet} \title{Constructor for xcmsSet objects which finds peaks in NetCDF/mzXML files} \description{ This function handles the construction of xcmsSet objects. It finds peaks in batch mode and pre-sorts files from subdirectories into different classes suitable for grouping. } \usage{ xcmsSet(files = NULL, snames = NULL, sclass = NULL, phenoData = NULL, profmethod = "bin", profparam = list(), nSlaves=0, ...) } \arguments{ \item{files}{path names of the NetCDF/mzXML files to read} \item{snames}{sample names} \item{sclass}{sample classes} \item{phenoData}{sample names and classes} \item{profmethod}{method to use for profile generation} \item{profparam}{parameters to use for profile generation} \item{nSlaves}{number of MPI-slaves to use for parallel peak detection, works only if \code{Rmpi} is installed properly, see \code{\link{xcmsPapply}}.} \item{\dots}{ further arguments to the \code{findPeaks} method of the \code{xcmsRaw} class } } \details{ The default values of the \code{files}, \code{snames}, \code{sclass}, and \code{phenoData} arguments cause the function to recursively search for readable files. The filename without extention is used for the sample name. The subdirectory path is used for the sample class. } \value{ A \code{xcmsSet} object. } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{csmith@scripps.edu}} \note{ } \seealso{ \code{\link{xcmsSet-class}}, \code{\link{findPeaks}}, \code{\link{profStep}}, \code{\link{profMethod}} } \keyword{file}