\name{xcmsRaw-class} \docType{class} \alias{xcmsRaw-class} \alias{profMz,xcmsRaw-method} \alias{profMz} \alias{revMz,xcmsRaw-method} \alias{revMz} \alias{show,xcmsRaw-method} \alias{sortMz,xcmsRaw-method} \alias{sortMz} \title{Class xcmsRaw, a class for handling raw data} \description{ This class handles processing and visualization of the raw data from a single LC/MS or GS/MS run. It includes methods for producing a standard suite of plots including individual spectra, multi-scan average spectra, TIC, and EIC. It will also produce a feature list of significant peaks using matched filtration. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created with the \code{\link{xcmsRaw}} constructor which reads data from a NetCDF file into a new object. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{env}:}{ environment with three variables: \code{mz} - concatenated m/z values for all scans, \code{intensity} - corresponding signal intensity for each m/z value, and \code{profile} - matrix represention of the intensity values with columns representing scans and rows representing equally spaced m/z values } \item{\code{tic}:}{ numeric vector with total ion count (intensity) for each scan } \item{\code{scantime}:}{ numeric vector with acquisition time (in seconds) for each scan } \item{\code{scanindex}:}{ integer vector with starting positions of each scan in the \code{mz} and \code{intensity} variables (note that index values are based off a 0 initial position instead of 1) } \item{\code{profmethod}:}{ characer value with name of method used for generating the profile matrix } \item{\code{mzrange}:}{ numeric vector of length 2 with minimum and maximum m/z values represented in the profile matrix } \item{\code{gradient}:}{ matrix with first row, \code{time}, containing the time point for interpolation and successive columns representing solvent fractions at each point } \item{\code{msmsinfo}:}{ matrix with first row, \code{parent}, containing parent ion m/z and sucessive columns representing additional information about fragmentation (energy, etc.) } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\link{findPeaks}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: feature detection using matched filtration in the chromatographic time domain } \item{\link{getEIC}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: get extracted ion chromatograms in specified m/z ranges } \item{\link{getPeaks}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: get data for peaks in specified m/z and time ranges } \item{\link{getScan}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: get m/z and intensity values for a single mass scan } \item{\link{getSpec}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: get average m/z and intensity values for multiple mass scans } \item{\link[xcms:image.xcmsRaw]{image}}{ \code{signature(x = "xcmsRaw")}: get data for peaks in specified m/z and time ranges } \item{\link{plotChrom}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: plot a chromatogram from profile data } \item{\link{plotRaw}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: plot locations of raw intensity data points } \item{\link{plotScan}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: plot a mass spectrum of an individual scan from the raw data } \item{\link{plotSpec}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: plot a mass spectrum from profile data } \item{\link{plotSurf}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: experimental method for plotting 3D surface of profile data with \code{rgl}. } \item{\link{plotTIC}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: plot total ion count chromatogram } \item{\link{profMedFilt}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: median filter profile data in time and m/z dimensions } \item{\link{profMethod<-}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: change the method of generating the \code{profile} matrix } \item{\link{profMethod}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: get the method of generating the \code{profile} matrix } \item{profMz}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: get vector of m/z values for each row of the \code{profile} matrix } \item{\link{profRange}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: interpret flexible ways of specifying subsets of the \code{profile} matrix } \item{\link{profStep<-}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: change the m/z step used for generating the \code{profile} matrix } \item{\link{profStep}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: get the m/z step used for generating the \code{profile} matrix } \item{revMz}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: reverse the order of the data points for each scan } \item{sortMz}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsRaw")}: sort the data points by increasing m/z for each scan } } } \references{ A parallel effort in metabolite profiling data sharing: \url{http://metlin.scripps.edu/} } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{csmith@scripps.edu}} \note{ No notes yet. } \seealso{ \code{\link{xcmsRaw}} } \keyword{classes}