\name{xcmsEIC-class} \docType{class} \alias{xcmsEIC-class} \alias{mzrange,xcmsEIC-method} \alias{mzrange} \alias{rtrange,xcmsEIC-method} \alias{rtrange} \alias{show,xcmsEIC-method} \title{Class xcmsEIC, a class for multi-sample extracted ion chromatograms} \description{ This class is used to store and plot parallel extracted ion chromatograms from multiple sample files. It integrates with the \code{xcmsSet} class to display peak area integrated during peak identification or fill-in. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created with the \code{\link{getEIC}} method of the \code{xcmsSet} class. Objects can also be created by calls of the form \code{new("xcmsEIC", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{eic}:}{ list containing named entries for every sample. for each entry, a list of two column EIC matricies with retention time and intensity } \item{\code{mzrange}:}{ two column matrix containing starting and ending m/z for each EIC } \item{\code{rtrange}:}{ two column matrix containing starting and ending time for each EIC } \item{\code{rt}:}{ either \code{"raw"} or \code{"corrected"} to specify retention times contained in the object } \item{\code{groupnames}:}{ group names from \code{xcmsSet} object used to generate EICs } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\link{groupnames}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsEIC")}: get \code{groupnames} slot } \item{mzrange}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsEIC")}: get \code{mzrange} slot } \item{\link[xcms:plot.xcmsEIC]{plot}}{ \code{signature(x = "xcmsEIC")}: plot the extracted ion chromatograms } \item{rtrange}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsEIC")}: get \code{rtrange} slot } \item{\link{sampnames}}{ \code{signature(object = "xcmsEIC")}: get sample names } } } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{csmith@scripps.edu}} \note{ No notes yet. } \seealso{ \code{\link{getEIC}} } \keyword{classes}