\name{searchMetlin} \alias{searchMetlin} \alias{searchMetlin,xcmsFragments-method} \title{Search Metlin Online Database} \description{ A method for searching \eqn{MS^2} data against the accurate \eqn{MS^2} METLIN database } \usage{ searchMetlin(object, ppmfrag=10, ppmMZ= 5, file, MS1data=FALSE, metXML="metlin", ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An xcmsFragment object generated by xcmsRaw.collect} \item{ppmfrag}{Error in ppm for each fragment} \item{ppmMZ}{Error in ppm for precursor mass} \item{file}{Name of the results file} \item{MS1data}{Should accurate mass alone be search as well} \item{metXML}{location of metlin like XML file or "metlin" as a default} \item{...}{Arguments to plot.metlin()} } \details{ This method automates the task of MS/MS comparison to a reference library. By default the METLIN database is used however this can be changed with the \code{metXML} parameter. The search first identifies precursors that match entries in the current METLIN databass using the specified error given by \code{ppmMZ}. Once a matching m/z value is found, MS/MS data is searched. Each fragment is identified and comparied to the reference fragments with error specified by\code{ppmfrag}. Each match is done using a score schema of the difference and similarity of the two spectra. This value is the equiovacated against the possible maximum and minimum. For each match a plot of the two MS/MS spectra are given. These are found using the \code{A} and \code{B} parameter } \value{ A data frame with the following columns: \item{A}{Location of the plot} \item{B}{Seconded number locator for plot} \item{Precursor Ion}{M/Z of the precursor Ion} \item{rtmin}{Start of rt window} \item{rtmax}{End of rt window} \item{CollisionEnergy experiment"}{Collision energy of the experiment} \item{CollisionEnergy Reference}{Collision energy of the reference} \item{Percentage Match"}{Match percentage of the reference spectra to the experimental spectra} \item{Metlin Mass}{The mass of the reference precursor ion} \item{# matching"}{The number of matching fragment} \item{# non-matching}{The number of non-matching fragments} \item{Total # Ref ion}{The total number of fragment reference ions} \item{Metlin ID Name}{Name of the identified meatbolite} \item{Ionization}{Is the reference spectra in '-' mode or '+' mode} \item{Adduct}{Is the reference spectra an adduct of the precursor} } \references{ H. Paul Benton, D.M. Wong, S.A.Strauger, G. Siuzdak "XC\eqn{MS^2}" Analytical Chemistry 2008 } \author{H. Paul Benton, \email{hpbenton@scripps.edu}} \keyword{methods}