\name{profRange-methods} \docType{methods} %\alias{profRange-methods} \alias{profRange} \alias{profRange,xcmsRaw-method} \title{Specify a subset of profile mode data} \description{ Specify a subset of the profile mode matrix given a mass, time, or scan range. Allow flexible user entry for other functions. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "xcmsRaw"}{ \code{profRange(object, massrange = numeric(), timerange = numeric(), scanrange = numeric(), ...)} } }} \arguments{ \item{object}{the \code{xcmsRaw} object} \item{massrange}{single numeric mass or vector of masses} \item{timerange}{ single numeric time (in seconds) or vector of times } \item{scanrange}{single integer scan index or vector of indecies} \item{...}{arguments to other functions} } \details{ This function handles selection of mass/time subsets of the profile matrix for other functions. It allows the user to specify such subsets in a variety of flexible ways with minimal typing. Because \R does partial argument matching, \code{massrange}, \code{scanrange}, and \code{timerange} can be specified in short form using \code{m=}, \code{s=}, and \code{t=}, respectively. If both a \code{scanrange} and \code{timerange} are specified, then the \code{timerange} specification takes precedence. When specifying ranges, you may either enter a single number or a numeric vector. If a single number is entered, then the closest single scan or mass value is selected. If a vector is entered, then the range is set to the \code{range()} of the values entered. That allows specification of ranges using shortened, slightly non-standard syntax. For example, one could specify 400 to 500 seconds using any of the following: \code{t=c(400,500)}, \code{t=c(500,400)}, or \code{t=400:500}. Use of the sequence operator (\code{:}) can save several keystrokes when specifying ranges. However, while the sequence operator works well for specifying integer ranges, fractional ranges do not always work as well. } \value{ A list with the folloing items: \item{massrange}{numeric vector with start and end mass} \item{masslab}{textual label of mass range} \item{massidx}{integer vector of mass indecies} \item{scanrange}{integer vector with stat ane end scans} \item{scanlab}{textual label of scan range} \item{scanidx}{integer vector of scan range} \item{timerange}{numeric vector of start and end times} \item{timelab}{textual label of time range} } \seealso{ \code{\link{xcmsRaw-class}} } \keyword{methods} \keyword{manip}