\name{netCDF} \alias{netCDFStrError} \alias{netCDFIsFile} \alias{netCDFOpen} \alias{netCDFClose} \alias{netCDFVarID} \alias{netCDFVarLen} \alias{netCDFVarDouble} \alias{netCDFVarInt} \alias{netCDFMSPoints} \alias{netCDFRawData} \title{High-performance, low-level access to NetCDF data files} \description{ Functions for low-level access to numerical data in NetCDF files. They have been optimized for maximum speed and memory efficiency. } \usage{ netCDFStrError(ncerr) netCDFIsFile(filename) netCDFOpen(filename) netCDFClose(ncid) netCDFVarID(ncid, var) netCDFVarLen(ncid, var) netCDFVarDouble(ncid, var) netCDFVarInt(ncid, var) netCDFMSPoints(ncid, scanIndex) netCDFRawData(ncid) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{path to NetCDF file} \item{ncid}{NetCDF file ID} \item{var}{NetCDF variable ID or variable name} \item{scanIndex}{double vector with \code{scan_index} from CDF file} } \details{ The mechanisms and structure of NetCDF files are not discussed here, please se the NetCDF documentation for more information. } \value{ \code{netCDFStrError} returns the textual description of an error code. \code{netCDFIsFile} returns \code{TRUE} if the referenced file is a NetCDF file and \code{FALSE} otherwise. \code{netCDFOpen} returns the \code{ncid} of the opened file. \code{netCDFClose} returns the closing status. \code{netCDFVarID} returns the variable ID. \code{netCDFVarLen} returns the variable length. \code{netCDFVarDouble} and \code{netCDFVarInt} return either double or integer numeric vectors. \code{netCDFMSPoints} returns a list with elements \code{massValues} and \code{intensityValues}, with the masses for each scan in ascending order. \code{netCDFRawData} returns a named list with components \code{rt}, \code{tic}, \code{scanindex}, \code{mz}, and \code{intensity}. An error in any of the functions will return an integer error code with attribute \code{errortext} containing the error description } \references{ NetCDF file format: \url{http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/netcdf/} } \author{Colin A. Smith, \email{csmith@scripps.edu}} \keyword{file} \keyword{internal}