\name{getPeaks-methods} \docType{methods} %\alias{getPeaks-methods} \alias{getPeaks} \alias{getPeaks,xcmsRaw-method} \title{Get peak intensities for specified regions} \description{ Integrate extracted ion chromatograms in pre-defined defined regions. Return output similar to \code{\link{findPeaks}}. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "xcmsRaw"}{ \code{getPeaks(object, peakrange, step = 0.1)} } }} \arguments{ \item{object}{the \code{xcmsSet} object} \item{peakrange}{ matrix or data frame with 4 columns: \code{mzmin}, \code{mzmax}, \code{rtmin}, \code{rtmax} (they must be in that order or named) } \item{step}{step size to use for profile generation} } \value{ A matrix with columns: \item{i}{ rank of peak identified in merged EIC (<= \code{max}), always \code{NA} } \item{mz}{ weighted (by intensity) mean of peak m/z across scans } \item{mzmin}{ m/z of minimum step } \item{mzmax}{ m/z of maximum step } \item{ret}{ retention time of peak midpoint } \item{retmin}{ leading edge of peak retention time } \item{retmax}{ trailing edge of peak retention time } \item{into}{ integrated area of original (raw) peak } \item{intf}{ integrated area of filtered peak, always \code{NA} } \item{maxo}{ maximum intensity of original (raw) peak } \item{maxf}{ maximum intensity of filtered peak, always \code{NA} } } \seealso{ \code{\link{xcmsRaw-class}} } \keyword{methods} \keyword{manip}