\name{getEIC-methods} \docType{methods} %\alias{getEIC-methods} \alias{getEIC} \alias{getEIC,xcmsRaw-method} \alias{getEIC,xcmsSet-method} \title{Get extracted ion chromatograms for specified m/z ranges} \description{ Generate multiple extracted ion chromatograms for m/z values of interest. For \code{xcmsSet} objects, reread original raw data and apply precomputed retention time correction, if applicable. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{object = "xcmsRaw"}{ \code{getEIC(object, mzrange, rtrange = NULL, step = 0.1)} } \item{object = "xcmsSet"}{ \code{getEIC(object, mzrange, rtrange = 200, groupidx, sampleidx = sampnames(object), rt = c("corrected", "raw"))} } }} \arguments{ \item{object}{the \code{xcmsRaw} or \code{xcmsSet} object} \item{mzrange}{ either a two column matrix with minimum or maximum m/z or a matrix of any dimensions containing columns \code{mzmin} and \code{mzmax} for \code{xcmsSet} objects, if left blank the group data will be used instead } \item{rtrange}{ a two column matrix the same size as \code{mzrange} with minimum and maximum retention times between which to return EIC data points for \code{xcmsSet} objects, it may also be a single number specifying the time window around the peak to return EIC data points } \item{step}{step size to use for profile generation} \item{groupidx}{ either character vector with names or integer vector with indicies of peak groups for which to get EICs } \item{sampleidx}{ either character vector with names or integer vector with indicies of samples for which to get EICs } \item{rt}{ \code{"corrected"} for using corrected retention times, or \code{"raw"} for using raw retention times } } \value{ For \code{xcmsRaw} objects, if \code{rtrange} is NULL, an intensity matrix with a row for each \code{mzmin}, \code{mzmax} pair. Columns correspond to individual scans. If \code{rtrange} is not NULL, a list of two column (retention time/intensity) matricies, one for each \code{mzmin}, \code{mzmax} pair. For \code{xcmsSet} objects, an \code{xcmsEIC} object. } \seealso{ \code{\link{xcmsRaw-class}}, \code{\link{xcmsSet-class}}, \code{\link{xcmsEIC-class}} } \keyword{methods} \keyword{file}