\name{testWIfun} \title{Find Objects by (Partial) Name} \usage{ testWIfun(what, where = FALSE, mode = "any") } \alias{testWIfun} \arguments{ \item{what}{name of an object, or \link{regular expression} to match against} \item{where}{a logical indicating whether positions in the search list should also be returned} \item{mode}{character; if not \code{"any"}, only objects who's \code{\link{mode}} equals \code{mode} are searched.} } \description{ \code{testWIfun} returns a character vector giving the names of all objects in the search list matching \code{what}. } \details{ If \code{mode != "any"} only those objects which are of mode \code{mode} are considered. If \code{where} is \code{TRUE}, the positions in the search list are returned as the names attribute. } \author{Kurt Hornik and Martin Maechler (May 1997).} \seealso{ \code{\link{objects}} for listing objects from one place, \code{\link{help.search}} for searching the help system, \code{\link{search}} for the search path. } \examples{ } \keyword{data} \keyword{documentation} \keyword{environment}