\name{mt.wrapper} \alias{mt.wrapper} \title{Multiple Testing Wrapper Function} \description{ A wrapper for some of the functionality for the \code{multtest} package. It also includes hooks to calculate q-values with John D. Storey's \file{q-value.R} code. } \usage{ mt.wrapper(proc, X, classlabel, test="t", rawpcalc="Parametric", side="abs", ...) } \arguments{ \item{proc}{A character string containing the name of the multiple testing procedure for which adjusted \eqn{p}-values are to be computed. This vector should include any of the following: \code{"Bonferroni"}, \code{"Holm"}, \code{"Hochberg"}, \code{"SidakSS"}, \code{"SidakSD"}, \code{"BH"}, \code{"BY"}, \code{"maxT"}, \code{"minP"}, \code{"q"}. } \item{X}{A data frame or matrix, with \eqn{m} rows corresponding to variables (hypotheses) and \eqn{n} columns to observations. In the case of gene expression data, rows correspond to genes and columns to mRNA samples. The data can be read using \code{\link{read.table}}. } \item{classlabel}{ A vector of integers corresponding to observation (column) class labels. For \eqn{k} classes, the labels must be integers between 0 and \eqn{k-1}. For the \code{blockf} test option, observations may be divided into \eqn{n/k} blocks of \eqn{k} observations each. The observations are ordered by block, and within each block, they are labeled using the integers 0 to \eqn{k-1}. } \item{test}{A character string specifying the statistic to be used to test the null hypothesis of no association between the variables and the class labels.\cr If \code{test="t"}, the tests are based on two-sample Welch t-statistics (unequal variances). \cr If \code{test="t.equalvar"}, the tests are based on two-sample t-statistics with equal variance for the two samples. The square of the t-statistic is equal to an F-statistic for \eqn{k=2}. \cr If \code{test="wilcoxon"}, the tests are based on standardized rank sum Wilcoxon statistics.\cr If \code{test="f"}, the tests are based on F-statistics.\cr If \code{test="pairt"}, the tests are based on paired t-statistics. The square of the paired t-statistic is equal to a block F-statistic for \eqn{k=2}. \cr If \code{test="blockf"}, the tests are based on F-statistics which adjust for block differences (cf. two-way analysis of variance). } \item{rawpcalc}{A character string specifying how to calculate nominal/raw p-values. The possible choices are \code{"Parametric"} or \code{"Permutation"}. } \item{side}{A character string specifying the type of rejection region.\cr If \code{side="abs"}, two-tailed tests, the null hypothesis is rejected for large absolute values of the test statistic.\cr If \code{side="upper"}, one-tailed tests, the null hypothesis is rejected for large values of the test statistic.\cr If \code{side="lower"}, one-tailed tests, the null hypothesis is rejected for small values of the test statistic. } \item{...}{Further arguments for \code{mt.maxT}, \code{mt.minP}, \code{qvalue}.} } \value{ A data frame with components \item{index}{Vector of row indices, between 1 and \code{nrow(X)}, where rows are sorted first according to their adjusted \eqn{p}-values, next their unadjusted \eqn{p}-values, and finally their test statistics. } \item{teststat}{Vector of test statistics, ordered according to \code{index}. To get the test statistics in the original data order, use \code{teststat[order(index)]}.} \item{rawp}{Vector of raw (unadjusted) \eqn{p}-values, ordered according to \code{index}.} \item{adjp}{Vector of adjusted \eqn{p}-values, ordered according to \code{index}.} \item{plower}{For \code{\link[multtest]{mt.minP}} function only, vector of "adjusted \eqn{p}-values", where ties in the permutation distribution of the successive minima of raw \eqn{p}-values with the observed \eqn{p}-values are counted only once. Note that procedures based on \code{plower} do not control the FWER. Comparison of \code{plower} and \code{adjp} gives an idea of the discreteness of the permutation distribution. Values in \code{plower} are ordered according to \code{index}.} } } \author{Colin A. Smith \email{webbioc@colinsmith.org}} \keyword{ file }