\name{justvsn} \alias{justvsn} \alias{vsnrma} \title{Wrapper functions for vsn} \description{\code{justvsn} returns the vsn-normalised intensities in an object generally of the same class as its first argument (see the man page of \code{\link[vsn:vsn2trsf]{predict}} for details). It preserves the metadata. It is equivalent to calling \preformatted{ fit = vsn2(x, ...) nx = predict(fit, newdata=x, useDataInFit = TRUE) } \code{vsnrma} is a wrapper around \code{\link{vsn2}} and \code{\link[affy:rma]{rma}} } \usage{ justvsn(x, ...) vsnrma(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{For \code{justvsn}, any kind of object for which \code{\link{vsn2}} methods exist. For \code{vsnrma}, an \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}}.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments that get passed on to \code{\link{vsn2}}.} } \details{ \code{vsnrma} does probe-wise background correction and between-array normalization by calling \code{\link{vsn2}} on the perfect match (PM) values only. Probeset summaries are calculated with the medianpolish algorithm of \code{\link[affy:rma]{rma}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{vsn2}} } \author{Wolfgang Huber \url{http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber}} \examples{ ##-------------------------------------------------- ## use "vsn2" to produce a "vsn" object ##-------------------------------------------------- data("kidney") fit = vsn2(kidney) nkid = predict(fit, newdata=kidney) ##-------------------------------------------------- ## justvsn on ExpressionSet ##-------------------------------------------------- nkid2 = justvsn(kidney) stopifnot(identical(exprs(nkid), exprs(nkid2))) ##-------------------------------------------------- ## justvsn on RGList ##-------------------------------------------------- rg = new("RGList", list(R=exprs(kidney)[,1,drop=FALSE], G=exprs(kidney)[,2,drop=FALSE])) erge = justvsn(rg) }