\name{buildGOgraph.topology} \alias{buildGOgraph.topology} \title{buils GO graph starting from the most specific GO terms} \description{ This function is building the GO graph starting from the most specific terms. The structure of the GO graph is build recursively. } \usage{ buildGOgraph.topology(knownNodes, whichOnto = "BP") } \arguments{ \item{knownNodes}{character vector of GO terms} \item{whichOnto}{character string specifying one of the three GO ontologies: \code{"BP"}, \code{"MF"}, \code{"CC"}} } \value{ An object of class \code{\link[graph]{graphNEL-class}} is returned. The graph is directed (the edges are from leaves to the root) and it contains all GO terms specific to \code{whichOnto} ontology. } \author{Adrian Alexa} \seealso{ \code{\link{topGOdata-class}}, \code{\link{buildLevels}}, \code{\link{mapGenes2GOgraph}}, \code{\link{annFUN}} } \keyword{graphs}