\name{getWvalues} \alias{getWvalues} \title{Obtaining values of widgets on a given widget} \description{ This function returns a list containing the values for widgets on a widget created by function widgetRender. It takes a list defining the widget and returns a named list containing the values for each of the widgets. } \usage{ getWvalues(W) } \arguments{ \item{W}{\code{W} a list of lists defining the widgets that are used to make a widget} } \details{ For a widget containing 3 widgets each with some associated functionalities, the list is defined as this: pW1 <- list(Name="AAA", Value="bbb", toText=function(x) paste(x,collapse= ","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun = fileBrowser, buttonText = "Browse") pW2 <- list(Name="BBB", Value="x,y,z", toText=function(x) paste(x, collapse=","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun = ls, buttonText = "List") pW3 <- list(Name="CCC", Value="ccc", toText=function(x) paste(x, collapse = ","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun=NULL, buttonText=NULL) widget1 <- list(wList = list(a = pW1, b = pW2, c = pW3), preFun = function() "Hi", postFun = function() "Bye") widget1 will be used to create a widget with 3 entry boxes. When users modify the values through the widget created, new values will be kept in the list and widget1 will be returned up exist. getWvalues is useful to capture the values for each widgets on the widget. } \value{ This function returns a list of: \item{comp1 }{Description of `comp1'} \item{comp2 }{Description of `comp2'} } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{widgetRender}}} \examples{ # Define the widgets pW1 <- list(Name="AAA", Value="bbb", toText=function(x) paste(x,collapse= ","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun = fileBrowser, buttonText = "Browse") pW2 <- list(Name="BBB", Value="x,y,z", toText=function(x) paste(x, collapse=","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun = ls, buttonText = "List") pW3 <- list(Name="CCC", Value="ccc", toText=function(x) paste(x, collapse = ","), fromText=NULL, canEdit=TRUE, buttonFun=NULL, buttonText=NULL) widget1 <- list(wList = list(a = pW1, b = pW2, c = pW3), preFun = function() "Hi", postFun = function() "Bye") if(interactive()){ tt <- widgetRender(widget1, "try") getWvalues(tt) }else{ getWvalues(widget1) } } \keyword{misc}